Got A Fidgety Toddler At The Dentist? Try These Things To Help

When kids get old enough to communicate their fears and understand their parents communication about them, things like going to the dentist become not as big a deal for most children. However, at the toddler stage, it can be exceptionally difficult for both you to explain that there is nothing they should fear and for them to communicate why it is they are so afraid when they step into a dentist's office. Read More 

Veneers Or Bonding: Which Is Best For Repairing A Gap In Front Teeth?

Do you have a gap in your front teeth that you would love to have closed? In many cases, you would have to wear braces to repair this issue with teeth. If you do not want to deal with wearing braces, however, you do have some other options. You can choose from dental bonding or porcelain veneers. Dental bonding is typically less expensive, but it is possible you may not always be a candidate. Read More 

Two Dangerous Consequences Of Waiting Too Long To Treat An Abscessed Tooth

When people get abscessed teeth, the pain from the condition typically prompts them to seek out dental care. In a small number of cases, abscessed teeth aren't painful or the person finds a way to manage the discomfort, which often results in the condition being left to fester. This is a bad idea, because an untreated abscessed tooth can lead to serious medical problems. Here are two you may be at risk for if you don't seek out emergency dental services to fix the infection. Read More 

Advances To Make Trips To The Dentist Easier For Everyone

When it comes to maintaining your health, it can be difficult for you to find yourself ready and willing to head to your dentist's office. Many people have a somewhat irrational fear of going to the dentist that is largely unfounded and based on the notion that dental technologies and procedures have not changed over the past several decades. However, these fears and concerns are largely unfounded. Dental advances are occurring and developing all the time, just as such advances are occurring in other healthcare fields. Read More 

Three Overlooked Reasons Why You Have Bad Breath

One in every four adults has bad breath. So if you've been having issues with foul smelling breath, you're not in the club on your own. However, you can turn in your membership. There are a number of often overlooked factors that lead to issues with bad breath. As soon as you learn what these mistakes are, you can avoid them and keep your breath fresher. Mouth Breathing If you typically breathe through your mouth, this could also be to blame. Read More