Are you in need of a dental crown for one of your teeth? This can leave you with a lot of questions about dental crowns if you've never had one before. Here are a few questions you are likely to want to know the answer to.
What Are Your Options For The Dental Crown Material?
There are a few different types of materials that are used for dental crowns, and your dentist will likely give you an option for which one you want.
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Cracked, missing, or misaligned teeth could leave you feeling insecure. Fortunately, there are cosmetic dentistry procedures to help restore the aesthetics of your teeth and brighten your smile. To ensure your cosmetic dentistry procedure is effective, avoid making these four mistakes.
1. Seeking Teeth Whitening Treatment Too Frequently
If you want a cosmetic dentistry procedure for your discolored teeth, teeth whitening is ideal. Many people think that frequently seeking teeth whitening treatment will ensure their teeth remain pearl white.
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If you have missing teeth, you may be wondering if dental implants are a good choice. Dental implants are typically a great choice to replace missing teeth, but many people still shy away from this procedure because it seems so invasive and expensive. If you would like to know more, check out these three facts you need to know about dental implants.
1. They Fuse to Bone
A dental implant consists of three parts: the crown, abutment, and the implant.
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Many people may ignore regular visits to a professional dentist until they develop problems. However, this should not be the case because everyone needs proper dental health. Apart from maintaining a great smile, good dental care can reduce the likelihood of other chronic infections. It can enhance your life quality and general health. You need to start as early as possible because if dental issues are left unattended, they'll advance and become more severe.
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It is essential that your child see the dentist on a regular basis for examinations and a childrens' dental cleaning. Doing so can reveal signs of gum diseases such as periodontitis, which is a severe form of gingivitis. Here are some signs of periodontal disease that may be revealed during your child's dental cleaning.
Gum Symptoms
Gum symptoms that may be indicative of periodontitis include sore, inflamed, or red gums, and receding gums, which refer to gums that recede or pull back from the teeth.
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