Spring Time Dental Care

Spring time is the time of the year that many people deem to be the period when they focus on getting their house in order, making their annual doctor's appointments, taking care of routine car maintenance and more. Therefore, it only makes sense that you should also deem it as an appropriate time of the year to go the extra mile for dental care and take care of other annual dental chores. Read More 

Why You May Not Be A Good Candidate For Accelerated Orthodontics

Accelerated orthodontics, just like the name suggests, gets your teeth aligned faster than conventional orthodontics. As such, you would expect it to be a favorite of every orthodontic candidate. Unfortunately, accelerated orthodontics isn't for everybody. Here are four indications that you aren't an excellent candidate of accelerated orthodontics: You Can't Make All the Dental Visits Accelerated orthodontics requires more frequent dental visits than conventional orthodontics. This is because the number of adjustments needed is the same as those of conventional orthodontics, but they will be crammed within a shorter duration. Read More 

Having A Couple Teeth Extracted? 4 Reasons You Should Choose Dental Implants As Replacements

If you're looking at having a couple of teeth extracted, you'll want to start thinking about replacement teeth. You might not think you're going to miss a couple of teeth, but you will. Now that you're going to have missing teeth, you need to talk to your dentist about implants. Implants are one of the best ways to replace missing teeth, especially if you have healthy bone in your jaw. With a healthy jaw bone, your dentist will be able to place the implant without the need for bone grafting. Read More 

Three Big Differences Between A Family Dentist And A Cosmetic Dentist (And Why It’s Important)

At some point in your life you may want to do a little cosmetic dentistry. This could range from teeth whitening to something more extreme, such as dental implants. Who do you see? A family dentist or a cosmetic dentist? Really, what is the difference? Actually there are some major differences between a family dentist and a cosmetic dentist. It is important to know these differences when you desire a particular cosmetic procedure. Read More 

How To Help Your Family To Maintain Excellent Dental Health

From the time you were a young child you probably were told to brush your teeth after every meal. If you grew up in a family that maintained excellent dental health, you are probably wanting that for your own family. If you grew up in a family that didn't pay a lot of attention to dental health, you may be wanting to do a better job with your own family. From home dental care to visiting the dentist, here are some ideas that might help. Read More