3 Reasons Why Dental Implants Are Better Than Dentures

When you lose your teeth, you're likely to have confidence issues in your social life. Also, your lost teeth will make you experience practical problems during meal times. A variety of options such as dental implants and dentures can provide you with a perfect solution to your dental issues. Here are the top three reasons why you may choose dental implants over dentures.  1. Dental Implants Are Easy to Maintain Read More 

5 Incredible Benefits Of Invisalign

How your teeth look plays a crucial role in determining your overall appearance. When they are misaligned, you might not be able to put on a confident smile since you will wonder what others think about your appearance. The good news is that Invisalign can help put your teeth back in shape without giving you the need to wear braces. Discussed below are the reasons these aligners continue to gain popularity today. Read More 

Don’t Let A Missing Filling Upset Your Child

Some parents are surprised when they find out their young child already has a cavity. Many things can lead to the need for a filling, but more distressing still might be when that filling comes loose. Read on and find out how to keep your child from developing an undeserved fear of the dentist after a filling loss. Healthy Dental Habits Must Be Fostered If you developed a fear of the dentist because of one or more negative experiences, you may now have a dental phobia, leading to poor dental hygiene and missing teeth. Read More 

How Adult Orthodontics Differs From Children’s Orthodontics

The most common time to get braces is in childhood. This is the ideal time for orthodontics because the jawbone is still growing. But adults can also benefit from orthodontic treatment. There are, however, a few differences between orthodontics for children and orthodontics for adults. Orthodontic Treatment Is Longer for Adults Children's jaws continue to grow until they are in their late teens. Orthodontists can work with the growth to move children's teeth more easily. Read More