The Signs That You Need Gum Graft Surgery

Maintaining good oral hygiene is incredibly important to prevent dental issues and maintain a healthy mouth. However, sometimes, even with regular brushing and flossing, we may experience issues with our gums. In rare cases, a gum graft surgery may be necessary to repair the damage done. But how can you tell if you need this procedure? In this blog post, we will go over the signs that you need gum graft surgery.

Receding Gums

One of the most common signs that you need gum graft surgery is receding gums. When gums recede, they leave your tooth roots exposed and make them extra sensitive. In certain cases, receding gums can lead to tooth loss. A gum graft can restore your gum line and protect your roots and teeth.

Tooth Sensitivity

If you notice that your teeth are particularly sensitive to hot or cold temperatures, it could be a sign that you may require a gum graft. When your gums recede, your teeth roots become exposed, and the nerves in your teeth become more exposed to temperature changes. This is one of the reasons why tooth sensitivity is a clear sign that you need a gum graft.

Loose Teeth

If your teeth feel loose or are shifting, this could signal gum recession. The roots of your teeth are firmly attached to your jawbone by strong ligaments. Gum recession causes loss of support to these ligaments, making it easier for teeth to loosen or shift out of place. Gum graft surgery can help restore support to the affected teeth and prevent further damage.

Pain and Discomfort

Gum recession can cause pain and discomfort in your mouth. This could be due to sensitivity but also from exposure to the root surface, which is not covered by the protective enamel that covers the visible part of a tooth. Pain and discomfort can impact your daily life, and a gum graft can reduce and even eliminate these symptoms.

Bleeding Gums

If you experience gum bleeding, pain, or bad breath, these could all be signs that you need gum graft surgery. Receding gums and gum disease are common causes of bleeding gums, but they should not be ignored. Gum graft surgery can help address these symptoms by repairing your gums and preventing further damage.

Gum graft surgery is a safe, effective way to fix gum problems and improve your oral health. If you are experiencing any of the signs discussed in this post, reach out to your dentist or periodontist. They can evaluate whether you need gum graft surgery and determine the type of graft that would be best suited to your needs. Don't wait until the problem worsens - early intervention can lead to better outcomes and a healthier smile! Contact a company like Comprehensive Dental Care to learn more. 
